after they made their bag, the nurse gave them a bunch of Dr. stuff to put in it.
We had such a fun time.
I am so sad that story time is ending soon :(
after they made their bag, the nurse gave them a bunch of Dr. stuff to put in it.
We had such a fun time.
I am so sad that story time is ending soon :(
She was super good, but clearly hated it. We had to miss a ward activity because she was only half done and I was covered from head to toe in hair and wasn't about to stop before I finished. Lance couldn't understand why I didn't want to "just clean up and start again tomorrow?" as if I love being covered in hair everyday :)
You can seriously see her skin, the next day it was super sunny and she was out laying right in the sun! I thought "She is going to get sunburned" I am sure she was just thrilled to be able to breathe finally without all that extra hair. But I went and sprayed her with that clear aerosol sunscreen. I would feel so guilty if she was bright red and in pain. I was just trying to help! Anyway, happy ending is that she isn't sunburned yet, and she seems much happier. hooray!
then miraculously, on day 9 he started to get a little better and actually ate something. And here is Parker this morning, day 11.
I'm not sure that he is fully recovered but we have come a long way. HOORAY!!!!
Whenever Layton gets upset he has to stay in a room away from where I am at, and when he is done crying he can come back in with us. So he always walks in all sad and with tears on his face and I will hug him and I used to wipe off his tears. But one time I wiped them away and he said "don't wipe off my feelings!" and got really mad and threw another fit. So now when he comes in he lets us know if he wants his "feelings" wiped off, and if so, should we use our hand or his blanket. He has always had such a clear perspective about what he wants. Probably on the verge of OCD (where ever did he get that from, I wonder :)
What a sweet boy. We love him so much.
hmmmm... what color to chose?
even though he didn't really get the concept Layton still was super excited and loved his eggs.
Then of course sang happy birthday, Parker loved to look at the candle but he didn't make an attempt to blow it out :)
He really loved his cake!
(or the frosting at least :)
then we opened presents
and he was spoiled rotten as usual