Tuesday, August 31, 2010

1st day of Preschool... the video version :)

Before School...

After I picked him up...

Haha, what a sweetheart. :)

1st day of Preschool...

Today was Layton's first day of preschool!

He has been feeling pretty anxious about it for the last few weeks, but last night was a little Back to School party for him to meet Miss Christy, and to see the classroom. He loved it, and we could barely tear him away!

This morning he was so excited and could hardly wait to go back!

We let him go choose out his own backpack, to help him get excited about going to school. He has been so proud of his choice, and shows it to anyone who comes to our house. :)

When we got there, he took off RUNNING to get into the classroom.

We love Miss Christy!

Writing his name...

His special backpack hook...

When I came to pick him up they all came walking out together... talk about pulling at my heartstrings, look how cute he is :)

He came running over and was so excited to tell me all about his fun morning!

Miss Christy said that he did great. I am so proud of this little guy, I love you Layton!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


For the Sagers family reunion Lance's parents took us to Lagoon last Saturday.

I hadn't been in years and so it was pretty new to me. We LOVED it!!! Tons of stuff for little kids, and Lance and I even got to go on a few rides.

Layton was super syked about navigating us around with his map...

They really really loved driving the car...

The train was super neat, the boys (especially Parker) loved seeing all the animals. Plus it was the only ride that our whole group went on together.

What is better than shooting the random kids across from you during a ride??? :) (Layton would argue that there is nothing better)

The boys swindled Aunt Kim and Grandma Jerri into taking them on the carousel while the rest of us ate lunch. :) (I love grandparents!!!)

Layton's most anticipated event was shooting the arcade guns. He (with a little help from Grandpa Dennis) won a little stuffed fox, which he would not even acknowledge. Saying he "don't like stuffed animals!" hahaha, thata boy!

We spent a little while in Lagoon-a-beach. (of course it was very fun)

Then waited in a deceivingly long line for the dragon roller coaster. (Lance and Layton in the front car, Parker and I in the second car)

The kids got their pajamas on and left with grandma and grandpa. Lance and I stayed with Kim and Rio so we could go on a few big rides and then eat delicious Mexican at red iguana!

We love Lagoon!!! Thanks so much to Dennis and Jerri for the great day!

Monday, August 23, 2010

At the Res...

A few other pictures from when we went over to the Res...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Layton's first water skiing !!!

Our friends took us over to the Res in Delta yesterday. They had this awesome little water ski for kids, and Layton decided to try it.

Lance helped him start from the shallow water, and he got right up and we took him in a big circle and dropped him back off to Lance.

He rode for about 5 min, I was so worried he was going to let go or fall and be out there all by him self. But he hung on tight and did so great.

Yay Layton!!!

The first of the video is hard to see because of the sun, but after a second we turn and you can see it better.

and the get off... he didn't even get his hair wet!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Lake Powell {again!} part 2...

Parker and Brooker's played and played in the gorgeous red sand.

My parent's sweet house boat!

Lance took Parker on a little ride in the Kayak.

Layton's first time catching a fish!

The whole crew, fishing after dinner.

Jumping on the air mattress was a highlight for the boys (funny, because we could have done that at home :)

Layton was a total fish, this was the first time that he was totally comfortable getting in and out by himself and just swimming around as he pleases (it helps that the water felt like a bathtub, 85 degrees!) Parker liked it, but wanted to stay holding on to someone always.

Thew boys each did something brave, and were totally proud of themselves!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Lake Powell {again!}...

Wow! Another trip to Lake Powell, another wonderful week. Lake Powell is no doubt one of my favorite places on earth. We went with my whole family this time on my parents house boat. The boys of course loved it and had a blast, but Lance and I might have had even more fun than they did!

Isaac, Austin, and Layton paddled the kayak all over our little bay.

Then went for a ride on the banana. It even tipped them off into the water, and Layton was totally fine with it.

The kids hiked all around.

Lance hiked all the way to the top of "hole in the rock" with Parker on his shoulders! Umm, it is about a mile each way, and straight up over rocks. I can't believe they went clear to the top. (along with my brother and his family). It really is an amazing story how the pioneers came down it in wagons!

Nothing better than riding in the front of the boat! (Parker, Isaac, Layton, and Devin)

Cute Layton, having a blast!

Lance, Katie, Brooker's, Nana, and Parker watching people jump of the top of the houseboat.

Everyone getting ready for knee-boarding. The wave runner's key has a whistle on it, Layton thinks he should blow it constantly. :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Number Hunt...

Discovery Toys makes this cute little game called "number hunt" it can be super simple for a 3 year old, or much more complex for older kids.

Anyway, Layton loves it. He and I have been playing it during Parker's nap time.

I am always surprised at how well he knows his numbers, and that he can even recognize them when the dice is upside down or backwards.

He starts preschool in a couple weeks, I can't believe it!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Pioneer Day!

I love Pioneer Day in Flowell!

We started out with the kids parade...

Layton rode his little 4-wheeler (and loved it!)
Parker was not feeling well, so he laid by us and took a nap (his 4-wheeler stayed in the truck :)

I was judging the cooking contest (super yummy and fun!) So I missed watching the boys do lots of the games, but when I came out they were here, watching the dunking machine.

Haha, nothing like making them stare straight into the sun! :)

Parker perked up after his nap and snow cone. This kid loves the water!

This is the point where my big camera's batteries died and I had to start using my little one (horrific, I know! :)
Layton, played on the slip-n-slide.
Another snow cone for the poor little guy...

Then dinner (where Parker threw up all over me.. and the table... in a very crowded pavilion), a little program, and the best part... a Movie on the lawn (ice age 3).

Like I said, I love this small town!
Happy late pioneer day ya'll !!! :)