So... I have decided to open a photography studio. Called Sweetly Simple
Photography, I have been thinking about it for a really long time and I am actually taking the plunge. I have always loved photography and thanks to ( a lot ) of mentoring from my friend Jamie I am actually doing it. I am really excited and I know I still have a lot to learn, so sorry Jamie, I am sure there are more
panicked phone calls still to come. Wish me luck, Lance has been really supportive and helpful. I really wanted something that I could still be a good mom while doing, I am finding out it is a lot more work than I expected but I am learning a lot and having fun.
While I was in Cali visiting my sister I did a shoot with her precious babies. Here are some of the pictures from it. I know Suzie is anxious for the sneak peak. Hope you like them Suzie!
Baby Claire:

Sweet Jackson:
The family:
wow, i had a few posts to catch up on! Roping the cow is so cute! Layton looks so serious. The pics look fantastic! We love that one of Claire, the top one. Its one of our favorites. I also like how you changed the wall to be blue. I cant click on them to make them bigger (i dont know why sometimes you can and sometimes you cant, I havent figured that out yet) but I think I can still see the phone cord running along the baseboard though... The feet one looks great! Thier toes are so little! Thank you Sal for the great photos. And for the visit. :) I cant wait to see what you did with the rest...
Christopher just looked and he thinks they look great too. I told him to post it himself but I dont think he knows how! Ridiculous. :)
They are SO adorable- I'm so happy for Suzie. And I think it's a wonderful idea for you to do photography- you really are very good at it and it looks like a lot of fun. Good luck with the business!
The pictures are georgous. You did a great job Jamie will be proud:) The boys are getting so big. What is it with dishwashers Haylee wont leave ours alone either she has also started standing like Parker I expect they will take off walking any time.
I am really excited for your new business! Your picts look great!
Sally, you seriously have talent. I love these pictures that you took. They are absolutely adorable. -Lindsey (Christopher's sister)
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