Parker is seriously cracking me up nowdays. We were sitting there (after all the peekaboo :) and he grabs the phone, and plain as day says "hello?" he only says "mama, dada, and baba" so I was super surprised and he kept saying it over and over. It was so cute I called Lance and had Parker hold the phone. Lance answered and Parker said "hello?" then once Lance started talking to him he threw the phone and wouldn't say anything else. He apparently doesn't like it when someone talks back. I say this all the time but I can't get over how funny and sweet my boys are.
That is so cute! It's funny he didn't like to hear a voice talking back to him! :) You do have cute boys! And I'm dying to get my pictures done! I loved how Lorna's turned out! I'll give you a call to set something up! And then I can finally give you your stichery! :)
That's so cute~ You know, Jameson does the same thing- if we call the cell phone he's playing with and try to talk to him, he doesn't want to play with the phone anymore. Hm- wonder what that is...
Too cute. It's so fun when they surprise you with some new trick they learned. Supposedly when you weren't looking. :) Yes, I am planning on stopping at Grandma's during my trip. We just had family pictures and pictures of the girls taken or else I would so take you up on the offer. Actually maybe it would be fun to do some at least of Gracie....babies change so fast. :)
Thought I'd tell you on your blog-
Zac is back home for good! Yeah, so he and Cami are now making all kinds of plans for moving and all that- so it's good to have him back. He got back the day before Jacob's birthday too- so I'm sure that was the best present!
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