Thursday, December 1, 2011

Zip Lining!

I am doing a major catch-up on the end of summer and fall activities so stay tuned!

At the Ropers Apple Fest, the boys saw all the big kids doing the zip line and they just HAD to do it.

Parker was a little more excited about it so he went first, he was by far the littlest kid who did it. What a braze little guy!

It is actually really high up, and the scariest part is that you have to climb up a HUGE ladder to get to the top. Lance went with but couldn't carry him up, or go down with him. Bur Parker was just excited and fearless about it all. What a cutie :)

Then it was Layton's turn, he was really excited about it too. But when he got to the big ladder he was a little nervous. He toughed it out and conquered his fear though. What a sweet heart :)