Thursday, January 29, 2009

Snow Shovelers

I bought Layton this little snow shovel last fall knowing that if Lance was out shoveling, Layton would have to be helping. Sure enough, Layton helps every time. He stays strong and won't come in until Lance does. He really does a good job too. What a big helper, he sure loves his dad!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Standing Alone

Parker is growing up too fast! He has just started letting go after he pulls up to things and then will stand there, for about 5 seconds (looking very excited for himself) and then slowly sits back down. Funny Boy.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Branding the "Nows"

While I was in Cali, Lance stayed home with the boys. I asked him to take pictures while I was gone. This is classic playtime for them. They both have a horse and a rope and they rope the "now" as Layton says and then dally up and one of them jumps off their horse to brand it. "fast, before it gets away!" Layton always says. What a good dad my boys have :)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Visiting the babies!

I flew to California for a couple days to visit my sister and her new babies. It was a fast and fun trip. We only get to see Suzie and CT about twice a year so it was fun to have an extra visit. The babies are angels and so so sweet. Suzie kept saying "they are getting so big" yeah right, they are 4 weeks old and still smaller than both of my babies were at birth! So good to see you guys, good work. You sure make cute babies!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ride 'em Cowboys

While I was organizing my storage room today this is what the boys were doing. They both wanted to ride the horse but we only have one pair of chaps and one cowboy hat. So Lance helped them to take turns. Looks like it is time to get Parker his cowboy gear :) Notice they are both riding just like daddy with only one hand.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma Jerri!

It was Lance's mom Jerri's, Birthday this week. His parents were on their way through because she going to St. George to run a marathon tomorrow. But we knew that they would be stopping in on their way so we planned a surprise party for her. All of the kids and grand kids were here and it was really nice to see everyone. Dennis was actually very sneaky, which we all know is next to impossible for him not to tell everyone all about any news :) So she was surprised and we had a fun night. Happy Birthday Jerri!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Crap! We've got Croupe!

My poor boys. They have had croupe all week and are just getting better. On Saturday we had another thrilling trip to the emergency room for Layton. He couldn't breathe well and had a breathing treatment with the nebulizer and a steroid shot to open up and relax his airways. So sad. But both boys are doing much better now and besides a little bit of a raspy voice still, Layton is back to his regular self and Parker is well on his way also. :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

9 months!

Wow! Parker is 9 months old today. These last months have sure gone by faster than the 9 it took to ger him here. He is 19 lbs 13 ozs and 30 inches long. Big boy! He is such a sweet and happy boy. We love him so much. Happy 9 months Parker!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Our diapers were delivered last night (I LOVE by the way) and Layton automatically thought the box was a car. Lance is always pulling the boys around in something and so of course he made it so he could pull them and they did it all night long.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Weekend Getaway!

For Christmas Lance gave me a weekend away. On Friday we left around noon and stopped to visit my cousin Hanna and her husband Todd they live far away now and have a new baby Gracie that we haven't ever seen. So it was fun to visit for a bit. Then we kept going and Lance dropped me off at the spa and I had a pedicure, a massage, and a hand treatment. It was so so so nice I went to sanctuary day spa and it was very peaceful and relaxing. While I was at the spa Lance got checked into our hotel. Then came back a few hours later to pick me up we went to Macaroni Grill (my favorite!) for dinner and of course I had the Lobster Ravioli! After a delicious dinner we headed to our hotel, which was the Hyatt Summerfield Suites. It was really nice. These are pictures of our room. Then Saturday morning we slept in, and watched a movie in bed. Which was such a treat! We went to the temple after that, we haven't been to the Jordan River Temple since we were sealed there so it was nice to see it again. Once we got out of the temple we went to the mall for a shopping spree, I got a lot of things I have been wanting. Lance was super patient and tried his hardest to give me honest (but not rude) opinions. We had a holiday party for a company that Lance does a lot of work for that evening. Had another great meal and headed home. I have never spent a night away from Parker and it had been over a year since I had spent a night away from Layton so it was such a nice break. And really a treat to get away and have such an amazing weekend. Thanks Lance for the Christmas gift, it was EXACTLY what I wanted and needed.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Meet Jackson and Claire

This is Claire Ann Trimble, Born December 30th at 4:25 p.m. weighing 5 lbs 1 oz. She had to have a positive air pressure mask on for the first day, but is doing great now!

Here is Jackson Ralph Trimble, Born December 3oth at 4:27 p.m. weighing 5 lbs 3 ozs. He is doing great and his nurse calls him the rockstar of the NICU.

After they were delivered by C-Section, being 5 weeks early they took them straight to the NICU, but about a day later Suzie was feeling well enough to go down to visit them and hold her sweet babies for the first time. We are so excited for them, they might all get to go home together this weekend at some point. Good Luck Suzie, Chris, Jackson, and Claire!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

We had a fun but pretty uneventful new year. We were planning on going to Lance's brother Devin's new house but Lance ended up having to work so we couldn't make it. But the boys and I spent most of the day at my parents house making dips and yummy food for the party. My nephews Devin and Isaac, and then of course Layton helped my mom make a cheese ball and had fun "helping" Nana.

We played games and watched movies all night. I let the boys have a late nap so they could stay up, rather than have to go to sleep and get after everyone all night to be quiet. So we all rand in the new year together. The boys were pretty sleepy by midnight, as were mom and dad.
Happy New Year to everyone. I hope this year can be just as good as last!