Friday, January 2, 2009

Meet Jackson and Claire

This is Claire Ann Trimble, Born December 30th at 4:25 p.m. weighing 5 lbs 1 oz. She had to have a positive air pressure mask on for the first day, but is doing great now!

Here is Jackson Ralph Trimble, Born December 3oth at 4:27 p.m. weighing 5 lbs 3 ozs. He is doing great and his nurse calls him the rockstar of the NICU.

After they were delivered by C-Section, being 5 weeks early they took them straight to the NICU, but about a day later Suzie was feeling well enough to go down to visit them and hold her sweet babies for the first time. We are so excited for them, they might all get to go home together this weekend at some point. Good Luck Suzie, Chris, Jackson, and Claire!!!