Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Swim Lessons...

The boys just got done with swim lessons and they LOVED it.

The were a little burned out near the end. 2 straight weeks is a lot. But they ended Friday, didn't mention it Monday, then Tuesday they cried because they wanted to go back to swim lessons :) I have them signed up for a second session though, so they'll survive!

Parker cried everyday last year, because he wasn't old enough yet. He was so thrilled to get to go this time. I was sad we didn't take a picture with Miss Kassidee, he loved her and she was so cute with him. We love you Kass! But Mike was amazing as always, and Parker loved him too.

The comments from his teachers were "wow, he's not scared is he?" and "sure is an active boy you've got there" HA, you think??? :)

Layton was excited to go back, and got right back in the grove. He has been nervous putting his face underwater, but by the end of lessons he would dunk himself no problem.

 putting his face in :)

and floating on his back 

I sure love these sweet boys. They worked really hard and were so tired for these 2 weeks, Parker even fell asleep in the middle of a haircut, after his first day. Then one night they fell asleep as 6:45 and didn't move until 7:30 the next morning.

But they worked really hard and improved SO SO much from the first to the last day!