Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Stolen Moments Menu Planning!!!

So I was planing my menu for the week and came across the Stolen Moments Menu Planning website!

It is cheap to begin with, but there is a discount code (frugal) and for $5.95 they send you a menu for the whole month.

But... this is not an cookie cutter menu. You have to fill out a little form about your likes/dislikes and cooking style.

For example I told them:

I like to use a crock pot,
I live in a small town (so no specialty items please),
my husband doesn't like mushrooms,
nothing to spicy so my kids can eat everything, etc.

Less than 24 hours later I have a DETAILED menu for the whole month, complete with recipes not just for dinner but sides too, and shopping lists, delivered to my inbox!!!

I am so excited, this is crazy cheap and so so SO helpful to get dinner on the table.

If you want to look into it go to this website and enter password "frugal"

Have fun everyone, I hope this is helpful to get dinner on our tables :) !!!


Dani said...

Sounds awesome! I'll have to look into that when I've got my own house to cook in! :)