Also, Layton got a haircut today. He was a very big boy, he didn't want to sit in the chair alone so he sat on my lap. But he held very still and there wasn't even a little bit of crying. My friend Katy is opening her own salon and I love her! She always does an amazing job, I have never ever been unhappy at all. Call her for your haircuts people. Anyway, Layton did great, and looks very grown up.
His hair is cut in this picture but he wasn't in the mood for a picture alone. Oh well, I'll save the picture forcing for a time when it matters :)
How cute! Jameson absolutely soaks in any playtime he can get with other kids, especially boys. Can't wait for Zachy to be old enough to play too.
(Love the two big t-shirts by the way!)
My goodness, I thought Isaac was Austin! They are all getting so big! Cute boys. Well, the pic I posted I copied off your blog. I didnt get them yet. Trust me... I"ll let you know when I did :)
Hey the pics are way cute!! Has Katy opened her shop for good now?? What's the number cause when I come up next I'll probably make an appt.
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