my car was so full, stuff fell out when we opened the doors :)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Black Friday!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
the whole crowd, about to eat.
while I was taking the picture of everyone, Layton started saying "cheese!" without any prompting, I guess I take a lot of pictures :)
Parker had a great time, but Brooke was pretty unimpressed.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Crawling for sure
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
4th tag
Saturday, November 22, 2008
In Layton's words...
Pampered Chef
Friday, November 21, 2008
I heart TWILIGHT!!!

Last night a group of us went to the midnight showing of Twilight.... I LOVED it! I think it is all about having fun, being in the moment, and going with others that are all about the good time. The group I sat with was laughing and swooning over Edward and the others and just having fun, and we all loved it. And another group was just quietly watching, or maybe sleeping and they were a little ify about the movie. So I loved it but it was also just the atmosphere and just enjoying rather than analyzing.
Our group were all a little skeptical about the actor that was playing Edward, because the previews weren't the most flattering. But it only took us about 30 seconds to fall in love with Edward and resit the urge to yell out "I love you Edward" (I think I might have done that anyway though :)
But, anyway I was so sad for it to end, they left out a lot but I guess a movie can only be so long before they have to cut parts out. But, they blended it together well and It was great.
I am going again with another group when it comes to our local theater and I can't wait.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I thought that they were just to stinkin cute this morning to not take a picture.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Potty Time!!!
I am sure he will die when he is older but I had to show a picture, he is so cute in his little boxer briefs. He loves his "undies"
I got this potty more for traveling, but he loves it and has to have it up on the stool to go in it.
It isn't all about candy, although that is probably his #1 motivator. He also puts stickers on his chart, and gets excited to put them on.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
D. A. R. E.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
So Big!
When I saw it I said "whoa, that is a BIG tower" he did this jump and said "SO, BIG!"
I think he is the one that is so big.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Crawling! ... almost
Thursday, November 13, 2008
New Family Member?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
But, the good news is that they are both growing and very healthy. Here are the stats:
weight is 18 lbs 9 ozs. 54%
length is 28 1/2 inches 89%
head is 17.3 inches 38%
weight is 27 lbs 5 ozs 40%
length is 35 inches 60%
head is 18.7 inches 19%
Good news all around, I have been worried about Layton's weight. He was in the 14% at the last check up. So we are happy to have him back in the average. Layton's height is evening out, he was in the 85% for a long time. And as usual very small head, just like daddy.
Parker is still very tall for his age, and is wearing 12-18 month size clothes so that his little arms and legs don't poke out. He seems so chubby but his weight is exactly average. and his head is the same as usual, just a little smaller than average.
We are so blessed to have such healthy beautiful boys!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Little Artist
Monday, November 10, 2008
Love and Logic

We really love it and it is working very well, even if your kids don't have any behavior problems (maybe you should be writing your own book) I think it is helpful in building self esteem and laying a good foundation for them as teenagers.
I hope that we can continue following through with it all, I know that when we do Layton such a joy to be around.
I hope this helps everyone. I bought the book from by the way.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
My Stuff
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Brodericks visit
President Obama?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Rules; 1 Link the person who tagged you. 2 Mention the rules on your blog. 3 Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
1. I am not a clean freak by any means, but I hate clutter. If only 1 or 2 things are out of place I feel like the house is totally filthy. Almost OCD probably, I really like things in there place.
2. I have gotten addicted to blogging in general. Everything we do I am always taking pictures for the blog and checking others blogs all the time. Lance thinks I have a problem, but he would be sad if his family didn't know what we were up to, wouldn't he?
3. I HATE when Lance doesn't scoot his chair in, or shut the cupboard after he uses it. Seriously, how hard is it to shut a cupboard? They pretty much shut themselves! Yet, somehow my kitchen is always full of random placed chairs and open cupboards. We have had many discussions on the topic :)
4. I always lift up my feet and touch something metal in the car when I drive over a cattle guard. My friends and I always used to when we were younger, I don't know why I still do.
5. I always hold my breath through tunnels, gets rough on the long ones. They say it is good luck
6. If I see a clock with all the same numbers like 11:11 or 5:55 I kiss my fingers and touch it, then you can make a wish.
Well, what a relief. Now everybody knows what a weirdo I am :)
Monday, November 3, 2008
Family Pictures

Saturday, November 1, 2008
First thing in the morning, in their Halloween Jammies. Parker was not impressed with getting pictures taken so early.
They wore these super cute hoodies for the day around town. We did errands and went to playgroup and everyone loved them.